British East Africa is the area of present-day Kenya
was controlled by Great Britain during the period from 1895. It became the
colony of Kenya in 1920. The colony of Kenya remained through the period from
1920 to 1963 when it gained independence.

Philatelic Profile:
The first stamps of British East Africa were surcharge and
‘British East Africa Company” overprints
on Queen Victoria (QV) issues of the period.
The set of three stamps (Scott #1to #3) is very rare and sought after. They each catalog in the range of $300 to
$600 Mint and slightly less for Used. The overprinted denominations read HALF
ANNA, 1 ANNA, and 4 ANNAS.

Queen Victoria and British Lions design with British East
Africa and denomination printed as key types replaced the previous QV issues
during the period between 1896 and 1903.
The first set (Scott #72 to #87)
featured sixteen stamps in different colors and denominations and they catalog
in the $500 range for Mint and $350 for Used. The key types were supplemented
with British East Africa overprints on certain Zanzibar key types also appeared
during the period and they are also very much sought after and rare. A sister
set (Scott #102a to #109) featuring higher values (1r to 50r) was also issued
in 1898. Those catalog in the $1500 range for Mint and a little more for Used.

British East Africa stamps were replaced by Stamps of East
Africa and Uganda Protectorate in 1904.
Numismatics and Collectible
Coins of Mombasa
(the capital) from the late 1800s and EastAfrica from the early 1900s are both very collectible and sought after in
better grades.

Original photographs,postcards, etc depicting life in the area from the period is a good collectible
item of the area.
Last Updated: 12/2015.
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